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City of Crete Nebraska


News Updates

statewide tornado drill March 26, 10am

Statewide Tornado Drill is Wednesday (March 26)

Severe Weather Awareness Week is March 24-28

The City of Crete will participate in Nebraska’s State-wide tornado drill on Wednesday, March 26 in recognition of Severe Weather Awareness Week 2025 (March 24-28) . The City will test the community warning sirens . . .

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Statement from the City Administrator on current city policies

Statement from the City Administrator  reinforcing current policies of the City of Crete: The City of Crete offers a variety of resources to all who live here. The Community Assistance Office, Crete Police, and the other . . .

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Dawn Jonas promoted to Lieutenant

Crete Police Department's Dawn Jonas has been promoted to Lieutenant, a position that will supervise a number of department functions moving forward. Jonas joined the Crete Police Department in 2003 and has served in the role . . .

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snow emergency

Snow Emergency starting Wednesday, Feb. 12, 7 a.m.

No parking on Emergency Snow Routes

The  City of Crete declared a Snow Emergency commencing at 7 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 12. If residents have vehicles parked on marked Emergency Snow routes, please move them. The city will continue to monitor the . . .

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kit donations

AAA donates emergency kits to driving prep classes

Crete Police Chief Gary Young announced that AAA Nebraska generously donated winter driving emergency kits to the City of Crete Community Assistance Office’s “ Preparing You for the Road” program. A . . .

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soccer registration dates

Micro Soccer registration open until March 14

Coaching applications available

  Registration forms and waivers are available during the registration dates below on RecDesk or at the Parks and Recreation office at City Hall. Participants must also have a current liability waiver signed.   No late . . .

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Upcoming Events: Community Assistance Office

Events from the Community Assistance Office and community partners: (click the gallery to view event flyers) Welcoming City Celebration Friday, Feb. 28, 12-4 p.m. in the Community Room at Crete Public Library The City of . . .

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safe driving course

Preparing You for the Road

Basic concepts classes for passing the driving test

"Preparing You for the Road" course information session will be held on Monday, Jan. 27 at 6 p.m. in the Crete Carrier Community Room at Crete Public Library, 1515 Forest Ave. The class will have lessons on road . . .

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Crete Reads 2025

Vote for the next book selection

Crete Public Library is in the process of selection for the 2025 Crete Reads book. Vote from Round 1 finalists online:  bit.ly/CreteReads2025  or by reaching out to the library. Crete Reads is a . . .

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camping areas closed for winter

Tuxedo Park campsites closed for Winter as of Nov. 1

Tuxedo Park RV campgrounds and athletic fields are closed during winter months. Park trails remain open.  Restrooms and camping utilities will remain closed until spring. Reminder: The Food Bank of Lincoln . . .

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hydrant flushing

Hydrant flushing Oct. 15-18

City Water Department employees will flush fire hydrants and water mains on the dates and at locations below from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., weather permitting. Tuesday, Oct. 15:  The portion of Crete south of the Burlington tracks and . . .

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festival sunday

Busy weekend downtown for 10th annual pumpkin festival Oct. 5-6

The 9th Annual Crete’s Great Pumpkin Festival sponsored by the Crete Chamber of Commerce kicks off this weekend with multiple events on Saturday and the full, downtown festival on Sunday. Drivers, business owners, and residents in the . . .

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martial arts

"Kickin' It" martial arts program registrations due Oct. 25

Crete Recreation program signup for "Kickin' It" with Gold Star Martial Arts is open through Friday, Oct. 25. No late registrations are accepted. Registration forms are available online (RecDesk) or in the . . .

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North Boswell paving to start Monday, Aug. 19

Update: The Transfer Station will be closed to all traffic on Tuesday, Sept. 10 for intersection reconstruction.

  A paving project on North Boswell Ave/County Road 2300 will start on Monday, Aug. 19 to include the intersection with the City of Crete Transfer Station south to the Burlington railroad crossing. This project is expected . . .

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story time

Toddler and Preschool Story Times held during school year

Two story times will be held at Crete Public Library during the 2024-2025 school year, starting in September. Toddler Story Time Ages 0-2 Wednesdays, 10 a.m. Preschool . . .

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flag football

Youth Flag Football signup open through Aug. 23

Coaches and referees also needed

Crete Recreation program signup for youth Flag Football is open through Friday, Aug. 23. Registration forms and coaching and referee applications are available online or in the Recreation Office at City Hall. Flag . . .

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Pool season extended to Aug. 11

Pooch Pool Party Sunday, Aug. 11, 3-4 p.m.

The regular season at Wildwood Pool has been extended to Sunday, Aug. 11 with schedule changes on weekday Open Swim hours and the Pooch Pool Party on the last day. Wildwood Pool . . .

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food trucks

Food Truck Thursdays back at Crete Public Library

July schedule available

Food Truck Thursdays will once again kickoff the summer at Crete Public Library.   Food trucks will be at the library parking lot from 4 - 7 p.m., (or when they run out of . . .

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water aerobics

Water Aerobics starts June 10

Season fee or drop-in classes available

Water Aerobics will start on June 10 at Wildwood Pool. Interested patrons can register at the pool after opening day Cost is $40 for all classes through the season Registered participants age 55 and over will . . .

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swimming lessons

Swimming Lessons offered in June & July

Levels 1-6, Infant and Toddler, private lessons available

City of Crete - Nebraska Parks and Recreation  Forms for Levels 1-6 and Infant and Toddler lessons are available on   RecDesk   or at the Parks and Recreation office at City Hall. Participants must also have a . . .

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50 years

Petracek honored for 50 years on CVFD

Crete Volunteer Fire and Rescue member Terry Petracek was honored for 50 years of service on the department at the regular City Council meeting Tuesday evening at City Hall. The Council approved Resolution 2024-05 Recognizing Terry . . .

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spring cleanup

City Spring Cleanup activities May 4-10

Shred Day, Transfer Station specials; schedule appliance pickups by May 9

The City of Crete will hold the annual Spring Cleanup May 4-10, with Transfer Station specials on two days, major appliance pick-up, downtown street cleanup, and shred day sponsored and hosted by Pinnacle Bank. Free Shred Day: . . .

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life saving medal

Officers awarded Meritorious Service Medal, Life Saving Medal

Honors given at March 5 City Council meeting

Crete Police Chief Gary Young presented service medals to two officers at the City Council regular meeting on Tuesday evening (March 5) at City Hall. Young read each award and presented the certificate with Mayor Dave . . .

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"A Tree Grows in Crete" program Sunday, March 10

Learn all about tree/shrub selection as well as local tree issues during the first speaker program of 2024 at Crete Public Library on Sunday, March 10, at 2 p.m. in the Crete Carrier Community Room. Justin Evertson is the Assistant . . .

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County Assessor's staff reviewing properties in Crete

Saline County Assessor’s Office personnel will be working in the Crete area in the next 2-3 months reviewing properties, including photographs for county records. County staff members will be driving a silver Ford Escape SUV with . . .

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Hensel inducted into Nebraska Law Enforcement Hall of Fame

Retired Crete Police Chief Steve Hensel was inducted into the Nebraska Law Enforcement Hall of Fame in an award presentation made by Crete Police Chief Gary Young Jr. on Oct. 3 in Kearney at a joint conference of the Police Officer’s . . .

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City of Crete Comprehensive Plan

The City of Crete is in the process of creating a new Comprehensive Plan to continue defining the future of the Crete community; the current Plan was created in 2014 with corresponding updates. The City Council entered into . . .

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City Staff recognized for years of service

Each year, City of Crete employees are presented awards for their years of loyal service to the City of Crete.  This year 8 employees received service awards from Mayor Dave Bauer at an Employee Recognition event on . . .

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library program

Crete selected for national NASA@ My Library bilingual eclipse opportunities

Crete Public Library was selected through a competitive application process to participate in NASA@ My Library , an education initiative created to increase and enhance STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) learning . . .

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project start

Park expansion project starts Sept. 18

City Park expansion - (Update: Start date of this project has been moved from Sept. 5 to Sept. 18) Starting on Monday, Sept. 18, the area east of City Hall and 12th Street exit drive will be under construction for a park and . . .

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Guided Nature Walk at Spring Creek Audubon Prairie Sept. 11

Crete Public Library will be hosting a guided nature walk at Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center on Monday, Sept. 11 at 9 am. The one hour tour is open to the public at no cost. Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center is located at . . .

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Power outage likely caused by lightning

A power outage early on Aug. 9 affected a portion of southeast Crete, including Doane University. The Electric Department crew believes it was likely caused by a capacitor bank that was struck by lightning during early . . .

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ALLO construction starting in Crete

ALLO Press Release – Construction of ALLO Fiber’s 100% fiber-optic network in Crete will begin on Monday, July 31. A groundbreaking ceremony with the mayor and city officials was held at Crete City Hall on Monday morning. After . . .

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Pooch Pool Party, Sunday, Aug. 6

Last day of the season at Wildwood Pool

Crete Parks & Recreation is proud to offer a swim day for the canines of the Crete community on the last day of the pool season on Sunday, Aug. 6.  Help your furry loved one beat the dog days of summer by enjoying a swim at . . .

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puzzle race

Puzzle Race Party July 13 at CHCC

Please RSVP to the library by July 1

Like to put puzzles together? Want to have fun with your friends? Join the Puzzle Race Party on Thursday, July 13, from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at College Heights Country Club, 1225 East 4th Street. Teams of up to four people will . . .

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Tech Tuesdays

For individuals who wish to learn how to effectively use specific software programs, Crete Public Library , is pleased to introduce Tech Tuesdays. These one-on-one sessions with library staff are offered all day Tuesdays to teach . . .

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Seasonal mosquito spraying starts in June

The Street Department will begin spraying for mosquitoes in town on Monday, June 5. Mosquito spraying is done on a weekly schedule.  Spraying Days and Times: Primary days are Mondays & Thursdays starting about 30 . . .

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Seniors can call to sign up for Crete Meals on Wheels

Meal program for seniors starts up again

Interested clients who would like to receive Meals on Wheels deliveries in Crete can now call 402.821.3330 to sign up for the newest meal delivery program for Seniors. Calls go to the Saline County Aging Services office in Wilber. . . .

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city hall

Ward III Council vacancy advertised

Interested residents should submit letters by May 26

Jack Oelschlager, Crete City Council Member in Ward III, submitted his letter of resignation from the Council and his last meeting was May 16. Oelschlager is moving out of Crete, leaving a vacancy for the remainder 1 year and . . .

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east 13th

East 13th Street to close from Boswell to Code, May 15-31

Utility work related to dormitory construction on the Doane University campus will temporarily close East 13th Street from Boswell Avenue to Code Avenue from Monday, May 15 to Wednesday, May 31. Signs at Hawthorne and Iris . . .

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15 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do at Crete Public Library

Everyone knows Crete Public Library for their fantastic selection of adult, teen, and children's books, but there are a variety of other FREE things you can do when you visit the library. In honor of National Library Week , . . .

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drive sober

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over

Crete Police participating in April special enforcement

Drugged driving is on the rise in Nebraska. To help keep drug-impaired drivers off the roads, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is teaming up with members of the Crete Police . . .

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police award

Officer Kramer receives Life Saving Award

Quick actions at accident scene help woman, children

Mayor Dave Bauer presented a Life Saving Award Citation to Crete Police Department Officer Jeff Kramer during the Tuesday, March 21, regular City Council meeting at City Hall. An award narrative was read by Chief of Police Gary Young . . .

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Spring forward on March 12

Daylight Saving Time begins

Daylight Saving Time begins at  2 a.m. Set clocks ahead 1 hour. This is a good time to check batteries in smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.

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City phones down due to Windstream repair

City Hall has been made aware that Windstream is having issues with phone lines today (Feb. 28). Residents can email Public Works issues and concerns during business hours to: pw.help@crete.ne.gov Find additional City Hall email . . .

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fiber project

ALLO Communications to invest in 10 gigabit network in Crete

LINCOLN, NE (February 22, 2023) – ALLO Communications today announced a fiber-to-the-premise (FTTP) project offering up to 10 Gigabit bandwidth in Crete. ALLO leaders met with Crete’s City Council and Doane University . . .

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Summer pool season, groundskeeping jobs open

Crete Parks and Recreation is currently hiring for multiple spring and summer positions with youth programs, the 2023 season at Wildwood Pool , and summer groundskeepers. Job descriptions and applications are available with each listing . . .

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input online

Public input available online through voting, survey

Planning underway for new Comprehensive Plan

The City of Crete is in the process of creating a new Comprehensive Plan to continue defining the future of the Crete community; the current Plan was created in 2014 with corresponding updates. The City Council entered into . . .

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travel center location map

Pump & Pantry announces new travel center location in Crete

GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Dec. 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Pump & Pantry® is excited to announce plans to build a new travel center on the northeast side of Crete, Nebraska, at the intersection of Nebraska Highways 103 and 33. . . .

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Elected officials take oath of office

Mayor Dave Bauer won his election bid against challenger Ryan Hinz, who finished one term as City Council Member in Ward II. Dan Papik and Kyle Frans were elected in Council Wards 1 and 3, respectively, after running unopposed.  . . .

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water main

Water main work finished on Norman Ave.

Final sidewalk work on 13th Street dependent on weather

Update, Jan. 17:  The street work for this project on Norman Ave. has been completed and barricades have been removed. The sidewalk work still has barricades around the excavated area. Please use caution if walking . . .

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bridge replacement

Bridge replacement to begin Dec. 1 on 22nd Street

Beginning Thursday, Dec. 1, 22nd Street between Kingwood Ave and Ivy Ave will be closed for bridge replacement. The wood bridge will be replaced with a triple concrete box culvert and additional street paving in the area. General . . .

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Historic Main Avenue, Crete, NE.

City seeks members for inaugural Historic Preservation Commission

Letters of interest requested by Nov. 30

The City of Crete is seeking interested individuals to serve on a local Historic Preservation Commission, established by the City Council with recent passage of Ordinance 2154 - Historic Preservation Act.  This new commission . . .

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City Hall, 243 East 13th Street, Crete, NE 68333

Volunteers needed to fill vacancies on city boards and commissions

Mayor Dave Bauer invites interested individuals to participate on city boards and commissions by filling current vacancies.  A total of 11 citizen boards and commissions are appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council to . . .

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flood plain

New Crete floodplain map effective Oct. 27

New map eliminates majority of residential floodplain properties A new FEMA floodplain map for the City of Crete took effect on Oct. 27 after several years of study and process delays. The new map eliminates a very large portion of . . .

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Crete Fire and Rescue volunteers part of wildfire control efforts Sunday

Crete Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department members were part of efforts to control wildfires in extreme weather conditions on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 23. Reports of 24 area departments and well over 100 firefighters fought fires . . .

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trunk or treat October 31, 4-7pm, Crete High School parking lot

Trunk or Treat at Crete High School Oct. 31, 4-7 p.m.

The Crete Police Department is sponsoring a Community Trunk or Treat on Monday, Oct. 31, from 4-7 p.m. in the Crete High School Parking lot, 1750 Iris Ave. To register a participating vehicle to hand out candy, please call . . .

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Laura Renker receives NLA's Mad Hatter Youth Service Award

Crete Public Library's Laura Renker is the recipient of this year's Mad Hatter Youth Service Award, presented by the Nebraska Library Association. She accepted the honor during the 2022 NLA Annual Conference held Oct. 5-6 at . . .

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crete pd k9

Crete Police Department adds K9 program

The Crete Police Department ’s first K9 team will be officially introduced very soon with handler, Officer Audrey Arbuckle, and Hunk, a one-year-old Belgian Malinois. Officer Arbuckle and Hunk trained for five weeks together . . .

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one ways

Council approves one way changes to 14th and Norman area

The Crete City Council approved one-way designations on 14th Street and Norman Avenue with an action item at the July 5 regular meeting and Resolution 2022-03 at the July 19 regular meeting. New One Way street . . .

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Officer Arbuckle receives Life Saving Award

First responder actions praised at City Council meeting

Mayor Dave Bauer presented a Life Saving Award Citation to Crete Police Officer Audrey Arbuckle during the Tuesday, July 19, regular City Council meeting at City Hall. An award narrative was read by Chief of Police Steve . . .

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CVFD hosts training at Doane quads June 19

Crete Volunteer Fire Department hosted a multi-department training on Sunday, June 19 at Burrage Hall on Doane University's campus. The 1960's era dormitories were slated for demolition in July and area fire departments took . . .

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service award

Chief Hensel awarded Meritorious Service Medal

Steven B. Hensel has served the City of Crete as Chief of Police since his appointment in December of 1994 and has announced his retirement at the end of 2022.  City Administrator Tom Ourada awarded Hensel with the Meritorious . . .

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Canceled due to weather: RipTide Swim Team exhibition July 2

Update July 2: Unfortunately, this event has been canceled due to weather.   Original article: Crete Recreation's Riptide Swim Team will host an exhibition on Saturday, July 2 at 9 a.m. at Wildwood Pool. Youth . . .

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click it or ticket

Crete PD reports on Click It or Ticket campaign

From May 23 through June 5, 2022 the Crete Police Department conducted a high-visibility enforcement campaign in conjunction with the national Click It or Ticket event through the Memorial Day holiday. Prior to the event, officers . . .

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Electric crews help repair tornado damage in Wymore

The City of Crete Electric Department sent two crews with a bucket truck and a pole setting truck to Wymore this morning (June 12), joining crews from Fairbury, Auburn, and Beatrice. Reports indicate last night’s tornado took out 90% of . . .

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doors closed

Use City Hall south doors

Starting Thursday, May 12:   Please enter and exit City Hall using doors on the south side (City Park side). The north (13th Street) doors of City Hall will be closed during reconstruction of the stairs and . . .

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soccer tournament

Crete Community World Cup games set for this weekend

Armory Park to host pool play games Saturday; Papik Field the site for Sunday championships

A total of 16 games are scheduled for the second Crete Community World Cup Soccer Tournament this Saturday and Sunday (April 9-10). Twleve teams will compete in women’s and men’s divisions representing local business . . .

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nebraska homeowner assistance fund program flyer

Nebraska Homeowner Assistance Fund is taking applications

Program for pandemic-impacted homeowners

The Nebraska Homeowners Assistance Fund (NHAF) is available to help Nebraska homeowners who have  experienced a COVID-19 related financial hardship that began or continued after January 21, 2020. The NHAF may be able to help . . .

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retired volunteers

Crete Fire Department hosts retired members, elects officers at December meeting

Retired members of Crete Volunteer Fire and Rescue attended the department's regular December meeting and meal Tuesday night, Dec. 14 at the fire hall. CVFD continues to benefit from the years of work and dedication given by these . . .

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charging station

Electric Vehicle Charging Station

The City of Crete ChargePioint® electric vehicle charging station is located on the west edge of City Park on Linden Ave., north of the 12th Street intersection and south of the Post Office. Parking in two stalls is limited to . . .

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Milling/overlay projects completed Oct. 27

Portions of 12th Street, Linden Ave, Ivy Ave now open

Update, Oct. 27: The streets in this project are now open to traffic. Traffic cones may remain in place in some areas. Please use caution. Update, Oct. 22: The asphalt milling and overlay project on portions of 12th Street, . . .

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Funds raised for Library Park instruments thanks to Mark and Andy event

More than 80 guests were entertained by Mark Twain, played by Warren Brown, and Andrew Carnegie, played by Tom King, on Oct. 7 during a Crete Public Library fundraiser to purchase outdoor musical instruments for Library Park . . . .

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economic development certified community

Crete recertified as Economic Development Certified Community

City recognized for making housing, downtown revitalization priorities

NEW RELEASE COURTESY OF NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Support for downtown development and efforts to create new housing in the city of Crete (pop. 7,247) have led to recognition from the State of Nebraska. The . . .

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New one-way blocks, parking added near Crete Elementary

A resolution relating to traffic flow around Crete Elementary School was adopted by the Crete City Council at the regular meeting on Sept. 21 adding more one-way traffic, parking, and a right turn only.  Existing one-way streets . . .

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Library dedication held Sept. 15

Crete Public Library held an official dedication ceremony for the new building on Wednesday, Sept. 15 with library staff, board members and volunteers, city and county officials, project donors, construction and engineering . . .

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Updated: 19th Street intersections at Main, Norman to close Sept. 8

Work is anticipated to take a little over a week

Update: These intersection closures have been moved back a day and will close tomorrow (Wednesday, Sept. 8). Original Street Notice: Beginning Tuesday, Sept. 7 the intersections on 19th Street at Main Ave. and Norman Ave. will . . .

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railroad work

Hawthorne railroad crossing work delayed

Update Sept. 8: The start of this crossing reconstruction project by Burlington Northern has been delayed. The City will share updated details when they are received. Original: Burlington Northern railroad . . .

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Back to school picnic, Thursday, Aug. 5

On Thursday, Aug. 5, Doane University is hosting a Back to School Community Picnic to kick off the school year for members of the Crete community. This event will take place in Cassel Outdoor Theatre from 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. and will include free . . .

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water aerobics information

Water Aerobics held Monday-Friday, 9-10 a.m.

Crete Recreation Water Aerobics will start on Wednesday, June 16 at Wildwood Pool. There is no registration or signup necessary; participants may attend as many or as few sessions as they would like. Mondays - Fridays 9:00 . . .

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tennis camp image

Youth Tennis Camp July 6-9

Crete Recreation’s tennis camp will be under the direction of Crete High School and Doane University tennis coaches for youth in grades 3-8. Camp participants will learn the fundamental skills and techniques of the game in a fun . . .

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Legal Notices

Currently advertised public notices and hearings of the Crete City Council and appointed boards and commissions will appear below when available. Additional information can be found in the City Government section: City . . .

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seatbelt campaign

Crete Police will conduct Click It or Ticket enforcement

The Crete Police Department will be conducting extra traffic enforcement as part of the Click It or Ticket high-visibility seat belt enforcement campaign May 24 - June 6. The campaign, which will coincide with Memorial Day, . . .

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council ward 1 map

Ward I Council vacancy advertised

Interested candidates can submit a letter by May 10

Mayor Dave Bauer and Crete City Council members took action at their regular meeting Tuesday (April 20) to fill a vacant city council seat after Ward I City Council member Brian Carnes passed away unexpectedly on April 14.  Carnes was . . .

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library graphic

Library hosting open house April 9-10

Library Story Walk celebrates National Poetry Month

In honor of National Library Week (April 4-10) Crete Public Library will hold an open house on Friday, April 9 from 10 am - 5 pm and Saturday, April 10, 10 am - Noon. The theme this year is ‘Welcome back to your . . .

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recycling Thursdays

All recycling collection will be on Thursdays starting April 1

Beginning April 1, 2021, the City of Crete's two recycling routes (Monday and Thursday) will consolidate to Thursdays after the City Council approved a requested change from The Garbage Company at the regular meeting on March 2. . . .

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downtown project

Downtown Revitalization Program

The City of Crete was one of five Nebraska communities awarded Downtown Revitalization (DTR) funds from Nebraska Department of Economic Development (NDED) in 2020. A $400,000 Community Development Block Grant . . .

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utility account information

Avoid scams by knowing these important utility account details

The following is important information to know about City of Crete utility accounts in order to avoid potential scams. a utility disconnect date is noted on every bill and a courtesy notice is mailed from the city on bills which . . .

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City to sell surplus items through online auctions

The City of Crete will begin selling all of its surplus equipment, vehicles, and miscellaneous items through online auctions on a site called Public Surplus. Auctions will be on a rolling basis as items become available. The first items . . .

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city hall

New residents reminded to set up utility accounts at City Hall

New residents to Crete, including university students in off-campus rental housing need to set up a utility account with the Public Works Office at City Hall , 243 East 13th Street. A ground floor entrance and parking are on the south side . . .

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Public Works receives national commendation for electric restoration efforts in Shickely

The City of Crete Public Works Department received a national commendation from the American Public Power Association for its support in electric power restoration efforts in Shickley, Neb.  On July 9, 2020, the Crete Public Works . . .

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city bill

New letter-size utility bills; Xpress Bill Pay used for online utility payments

Changes effective August 2020

The City of Crete is utilizing a new software system for utility billing, which includes a change in the format of bills customers will receive each month. Letter-size utility bills will be mailed in envelopes and the online . . .

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scam alert

Police warn of phone scam involving station number

The Crete Police Department has received a few scam reports in the past hour (Wednesday, July 29) using the Crete PD phone number. The caller is requesting personal identifying information such as social security info, bank accounting . . .

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New Crete Public Library is open

The Crete Public Library and community room occupies a total of 20,000 square feet of space on the block which formerly housed the city’s first modern hospital. The new library's entrance plaza is located off the new . . .

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Updated: New Crete Public Library opens Jan. 30

Ceremonial book brigade on Jan. 13 starts move to new building

(Updated on Jan. 17: The opening date for the library has been changed due to updated information.) Sixteen months after an official groundbreaking, Crete Public Library staff will close the old library on East 13th . . .

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council meeting

Crete Youth in Governance team recognizes city staff

The Crete Youth in Governance team recognized a number of City of Crete staff and first responders at the regular council meeting on Tuesday for their response during March flooding . When rising river levels impacted streets, . . .

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Two council vacancies filled

Travis Sears returns to the City Council , joined by Kyle Frans , as Mayor Dave Bauer’s appointments to fill two vacancies approved by current council members at the regular meeting on Sept. 3. Sears fills a Ward I . . .

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Crete to celebrate Welcoming Week with community potluck

Grab a lawn chair and your favorite picnic dish to enjoy in beautiful City Park with friends and neighbors at a community potluck on Sunday, Sept. 22 from 2-4 p.m. as The City of Crete joins with hundreds of communities to celebrate . . .

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ward 1

Bauer sworn in as Mayor, two council vacancies posted

The absence of two dedicated public servants in City of Crete Mayor Roger Foster and City Council Member Chuck Vyhnalek, who died July 31 and Aug. 3, respectively, is keenly felt within city departments. During this time city officials are . . .

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Downtown streetscape project continues in 2019

Streetscape project with the Crete Community Foundation The City partnered with the  Crete Community Foundation for a downtown beautification plan after researching and gathering examples and information from projects in . . .

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USDA Rural Development Housing finance options covered at community meeting

A public meeting on USDA housing opportunities was held on Tuesday, June 18  at City Hall in Crete to learn about Rural Development Housing Programs. This meeting offered information to families interested in living in . . .

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Grant approved to assist theatre renovations

The City of Crete was awarded a $125,000 matching grant towards renovations for the city-owned Isis Theatre in an announcement made Monday (April 1) by the Nebraska Department of Economic Development. The Blue River Arts Council , . . .

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Sign up for Emergency Alerts

Local residents can receive emergency alerts for Crete and the surrounding area by subscribing to Blue Rivers Basin Community Alert System (Gage, Jefferson, and Saline Counties). Link to set up Alert Sense free of charge:  Sign . . .

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