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City of Crete Nebraska


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Sign up for Emergency Alerts

Sign up for emergency alerts for Crete and the surrounding area by subscribing to Blue Rivers Basin Community Alert System.

Local residents can receive emergency alerts for Crete and the surrounding area by subscribing to Blue Rivers Basin Community Alert System (Gage, Jefferson, and Saline Counties). Link to set up Alert Sense free of charge: 

Sign up for alerts

The Alert System allows Gage, Jefferson, and Saline Counties to send emergency alerts and community notifications that affect you. Once you sign up, you will receive notifications.

Public Safety Alerts: Receive emergency alerts from public safety authorities notifying you of situations which may threaten you or those you care about. Public safety alerts may include, but not limited to: crime, active shooter, hazardous materials, wildfire, floods, need for immediate evacuation, etc.

Community Notifications: You can also choose to receive notifications of events that, while not life-threatening, may still impact your daily life and commute, such as road closures, snow emergencies, etc.

Severe Weather Alerts: You can choose to receive possible advanced warning of severe weather when you or one of your other selected locations is in the direct path of the storm. The system receives messages from the National Weather Service, automatically interprets the geographic area affected, and delivers targeted alerts immediately to app users. You can tailor your alert settings by location, selecting the severity level for which you want to receive notifications.


