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City of Crete Nebraska


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Water Aerobics held Monday-Friday, 9-10 a.m.

Water Aerobics starts on June 16 at Wildwood Pool.

Crete Recreation Water Aerobics will start on Wednesday, June 16 at Wildwood Pool. There is no registration or signup necessary; participants may attend as many or as few sessions as they would like.

  • Mondays - Fridays
  • 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. 
  • cost is $3 per person, per daily session.

Schedule note: There will not be Water Aerobics on Friday, June 18 or Friday, June 25 due to swim team practice.


701 East 4th Street (4th Street and Grove Ave.)
Pool: 402.826.3500
Parks & Recreation at City Hall: 402.826.4314


