About CVFD
City of Crete - Nebraska
Crete Volunteer Fire Department
Tod Allen, Fire Chief
Emergency: 911
Fire Station - 210 East 14th Street (14th and Linden Ave.)
Fire Training Grounds - South Main Ave.
Fire Station Phone: 402.826.3473
Non-Emergency - Crete Police Station: 402.826.4311
Crete Fire and Rescue on Facebook
The Crete Volunteer Fire Department & Rescue Squad is allowed 50 members and provides emergency services for the 121-square-mile Crete Fire District ( view pdf or go to the online map - select 'Fire District' under the Layers tab) and contracts with Saline County Rural Fire District and Highland Rural Fire District to provide protection to areas outside of city limits. Regular membership meetings: second Tuesday of each month; training nights: first and third Mondays of each month.
Department Leadership - 2024:
- Fire Chief - Tod Allen
- Assistant Fire Chief - James Yost
- Rescue Captain - Steph Yost
- Fire Captain - Harrison Gaman
- Rescue 1st Lieutenant - Nikki Wells
- Rescue 2nd Lieutenant - Marvin Barlow
- Fire 1st Lieutenant - Preston Zvolanek
- Fire 2nd Lieutenant - Brandon Smejdir
- President - Steph Yost
- Vice President - Will DeHart
- Secretary - Tiffany Carnahan
- Treasurer - Courtney Marcelino
- Ambulance Administrator - Nikki Wells
Crete has 275 fire hydrants. The fire insurance classification inside the corporate limits is 4; outside is 8. The average annual expenditures for the past three years were $150,000. The department is 100% volunteer with approximately eight personnel per 1,000 population. The Hazardous material response capabilities of the Crete Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squad is operations level with a Contaminant and Removal Certified team within 30 miles of Crete (Lincoln).
The rescue squad responds to calls with two ambulances fully stocked with advanced life support equipment. The City of Crete also owns a transfer ambulance, which is used for local patient transfers and transfers to and from facilities in Lincoln and Omaha. It is also available as a backup ambulance if needed. Emergency first responders are usually on scene anywhere in city limits within 1-2 minutes.
In 2023, Crete Fire and Rescue responded to 908 total calls for service
- Average Calls a month - 75.45
- Average Calls per day- 2.72
- 911 Calls - total: 575
- Medical- 363
- Motor Vehicle Accidents- 41
- Structure Fire- 3
- Contents Fire- 12
- Vehicle Fire- 5
- Grass/Vegetation Fire- 31
- Fire Alarm- 30
- Hazmat- 15
- Mutual Aid Medical- 23
- Mutual Aid Fire- 13
- Cancel- 29
- Special Duty (Public Assist)- 10
- Transfer BLS- 126
- Transfer ALS- 172
- Standby- 15
- Other- 20