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City of Crete Nebraska




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Crete Community Garden

Crete Community Garden entrance.

10th and Thornwood Ave
(South of the intersection about a half block)

City of Crete - Nebraska

The garden is located in southwest Crete, established in 2012 after land was donated to the City of Crete for the purpose of creating a community garden available to Crete residents. (Click the photo gallery for garden directions, map, and photos of past seasons.)

Amenities available to garden participants include a parking area, water hydrant and hoses, potting tables and benches, tomato/plant cages, compost bins, and a shed stocked with basic gardening tools. (Go to Parks and Recreation Department Main Page)

Individual garden plots typically measure 7 feet by 12 feet and are rented for the season at $25 each. Gardeners may rent additional plots at $20 each. A $20 deposit per gardener is returned to those who abide by garden rules and participate in a fall clean up of their plots.

Gardening applications are made available in March each year and plots are assigned on a first come, first served basis. Applications will be available at City Hall or at links below. 

2024 Garden information and dates:

  • garden applications and information sheets
    • English     |   Español  
  • applications will also be available at City Hall, 243 East 13th Street.
  • Please return applications by mail or drop off at City Hall
  • Annual garden dates to remember:
    • March 1: Applications available. Application review and plot assignments begin on a first-come, first-served basis. 
    • May 1: Gardeners can begin planting.
    • June 1: Last day to reserve a garden plot.
    • Nov. 30: All plants removed and plots cleaned; deposits returned contingent on clean-up.
  • Visit the Crete Community Garden Facebook Page for regular updates during the growing season
  • Check with Crete Public Library for gardening resources such as how-to guides, plant information, and more.


City of Crete - Nebraska
City Hall - 243 East 13th Street
Phone: 402.826.4312




