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New one-way blocks, parking added near Crete Elementary

Additional one-way traffic, parking, and a right turn only were approved to the area around Crete Elementary School.

A resolution relating to traffic flow around Crete Elementary School was adopted by the Crete City Council at the regular meeting on Sept. 21 adding more one-way traffic, parking, and a right turn only. 

Existing one-way streets surrounding the elementary campus include Linden Ave. northbound from 9th to 11th streets; 11th Street eastbound from Linden to Juniper; Juniper Ave. southbound from 11th to 10th streets; 10th Street from Juniper to Kingwood; and Kingwood Ave. southbound to 9th Street.

Crete Police Department personnel and city officials studied the traffic flow issues around the school property and made the following suggestions, which were approved:

Additional one-way blocks, with parking:

  • 10th Street, westbound, Ivy to Juniper
  • Juniper, southbound, 10th to 9th 
  • Parking allowed on both sides of these one-way streets

Right Turn Only: southbound Kingwood traffic onto 9th Street

No Parking on the east side of Linden in the areas around the bus loop entry and exit


