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City of Crete Nebraska




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Emergency Management and Local Notifications

Emergency Management 
Saline County & Jefferson County
John McKee, Emergency Manager

Emergency: Call 911

223 South High Street, Wilber NE, 68465
Mail: PO Box 865, Wilber NE, 68465
Phone: 402.821.3010

Nebraska’s Emergency Managers and the Emergency Management Agency are charged by state statute to reduce the vulnerabilities of the people and communities of Nebraska from the damage, injury and loss of life and property resulting from natural, technological, or man-made disasters and emergencies. Jefferson and Saline Counties have joined together to form a joint Emergency Management organization which serves both Counties, to include the City of Crete. More information from Saline County Emergency Management.

Two systems are used to send relevant notifications to local residents, one is used by Jefferson/Saline County Emergency Management and the other is used by Southeast Communications 911 Center, the City of Crete's dispatch center. Residents are encouraged to sign up for both services.

Alerts from Emergency Management: Jefferson and Saline Counties use the public notification system EverBridge. Signup by clicking the link below or download the Everbridge app and search for "Southeast Nebraska Emergency Notification."


Alerts from Southeast Communications 911 Center:

Residents can receive emergency alerts for Crete from Southeast Communications 911 Center by subscribing to AlertSense. Signup by clicking the link below or download the AlertSense My Alerts app.