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City of Crete Nebraska


Living in Crete


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Local Recreation Areas & Facilities

Crete Area Medical Center walking trail.

Annual community events: Mayor’s Day at Wildwood Pool, Crete’s Great Pumpkin Festival, Independence Day fireworks at College Heights Country Club, Saline County Fair, Halloween Trunk-or-Treat with Crete police, fire, and public works departments and Doane University campus trick-or-treat, Crete High School and Doane University homecoming celebrations and many more. Links to local organizations, resources and facilities are listed below. 


Crete Senior Citizens group meets on the last Tuesday of the month at noon at the Wanek Community Center (1410 Main Ave.) for lunch and a program.


Crete Municipal Airport - Crete Municipal Airport has a 4,200 ft. paved and lighted runway and a 3,400 ft. sod runway. Other features include VVASI, VORDME, NDB-2 approaches, instrument approach, rotating beacon, Unicom 122.8, hangars, ties downs, lighted wind sock, fuel, aircraft rental and sales, training, full-time attendant and repairs. More information...

Golf course and fitness:

College Heights Country Club - Located south of the Doane University campus at 1225 East 4th Street, CHCC is a semi private, nine-hole course that appeals to golfers of all skill levels. Facilities include a clubhouse, putting green and driving range. Men’s and Women’s Leagues, youth clinics, special events and tournaments are held during the season. More information...

Crete Carrier Trail at Crete Area Medical Center - The CAMC campus at the northeast corner of Crete, 2910 Betten Drive, includes a lighted, concrete walking trail that loops through a wooded area with a creek and walking bridge, windmill, and small pond; the trail was expanded in 2021. It is open to the public and accessible from the north side of the CAMC main building, with a map posted near the pavilion. The outside loop is 0.77 miles long, with two, connected inside loops of 0.55 miles and 0.52 miles each.

Doane University Fitness Center - The George and Sally Haddix Recreation and Athletic Center, finished in 2010 on the Doane campus, includes a fitness center accessible to community members who apply for membership. Community members can either pay an annual membership fee or pay on a daily basis. Applications, fees and hours are available at Doane's Business Office. More information... or call 402-826-8580 or 402-826-8200.

Gyms and Fitness Centers: Check the Crete Chamber of Commerce member directory.

Nature centers, camping, hunting & fishing:

Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center - Audubon established this site between Crete and Denton in 1998. The visitor center opened in 2006 at 11700 SW 100th Road. This 850-acre tallgrass prairie sanctuary offers over three miles of walking trails, native prairie grasslands, wetlands and ponds, wildflowers and grasses, and beautiful scenic vistas with historic 19th-century wagon ruts from a cutoff to the Oregon Trail. More information…

Doane University - Nature Explore Classroom - Located south of the Hansen Hall parking lot on the south edge of campus, this outdoor classroom provides exploring areas for students to learn and enjoy nature-inspired activities and sites. 

Nebraska Game and Parks - Bluestem State Recreation Area - This 742-acre area, located 8 miles east of Crete, offers camping and picnicking as well as access to a 325-acre lake. More information...

Lower Big Blue Natural Resources District - There are nine recreation areas nearby with opportunities for hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, and many other outdoor activities. More information…


