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City of Crete Nebraska


Living in Crete


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Community Organizations & Service Club links:

Service clubs & veteran organizations:

  • Lions Club
  • Rotary Club
  • Local Veterans clubs, contact at 130 West 13th Street
    • Crete American Legion Post 147 and American Legion Auxiliary Unit 147
    • Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Blue Valley Post 4959 and Auxiliary

Blue River Arts Council The Blue River Arts Council (BRAC) was formed in 2018 with a mission to provide Southeast Nebraska access to quality arts and entertainment opportunities. This goal will be met by preserving and operating the Isis Theatre; providing public education and recreation relating to the fine arts and cinema; spreading artistic and cultural awareness; and growing opportunities for public involvement in theater, art, dance, photography, cinema and other fine and performing arts. More information...

Crete Senior Citizens group meets on the last Tuesday of the month at noon at the Wanek Community Center (1410 Main Ave.) for lunch and a program.

Crete Heritage Society is dedicated to the preservation of Crete’s history and the promotion of heritage education. The group maintains a 20-acre site in the northwest part of Crete, which includes The Maples homestead, District 1 Star School, and the Benne Memorial Museum (800 West 13th Street). The Heritage Society maintains a Facebook Page.

Crete Booster Club - Athletic boosters organization for Crete High School. FacebookContact: Crete Boosters 

Crete Youth Cabin includes 40 acres south of Crete for exploring the wilderness on the banks of the Big Blue River with a rustic cabin, basic kitchen and restroom facilities, and picnic space. The site is available for rent. The Youth Cabin online and Facebook.

Crete Community Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit established in 1999 "strengthen the vitality of the community area through philanthropic endowment of community projects.” The foundation is managed by a board of directors. Foundation mailing Address: PO Box 42, Crete, NE 68333

Crete Public Schools Foundation, formerly the Crete Public Schools Trust, is a 501(c) charitable giving Foundation. The Foundation was founded in 1992. The Crete Public Schools Foundation Board consists of 11 board members. The board members volunteer their time. Mission of Crete Public Schools Foundation: To enhance student educational opportunities by seeking, securing and managing resources for scholarships, teacher grants and alumni relations. More information…

Crete BackPack Program provides food for a weekend to over 100 families in the Crete School District and St. James School. Each week that school is in session, a qualifying student can take a backpack full of food home for their family. The program is affiliated with the Food Bank of Lincoln and maintains a Facebook Page.

Crete Area Health Care Foundation raises funds for the benefit of Crete Area Medical Center. Funds are distributed in the form of grants to CAMC departments for equipment and program needs. Phone CAMC: 402-826-6581

Crete Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary association of businesses and professionals who, through committee and community involvement, contribute to the Crete area's commercial, industrial and civic development. Sharing the goal of The City of Crete to re-energize and renew, the Crete Chamber strives to continuously and effectively make Crete a better place in which to live and work. Executive Director is Jack Cochnar. Email: Crete Chamber Phone: (402) 826-2136. Office: 1302 Linden Ave. More information...

Community In Motion Networking Group, since its inception in 2015, has held the mission to support and foster a welcoming city for everyone who calls Crete home.

Local Churches:

Bethlehem Lutheran Church 
8th & Hawthorne Avenue  |  Facebook

Cornerstone Bible Church 
1430 Hickory Avenue

Crete Berean Church
395 County Road 2500, Crete

First Congregational –
United Church of Christ (UCC)
440 East 12th Street  |  Facebook

Grace United Methodist Church
1245 Juniper Avenue  |  Facebook

Ministerios "Dios Es Amor"
120 East 13th Street

Ministerios Pentecostes Maranatha
515 East 1st Street  |  Facebook

New Haven Baptist Church
2140 Hawthorne Avenue

Plymouth Congregational
United Church of Christ
906 Ivy Avenue

Radiant Springs Church
(Assembly of God)
1910 West 12th Street

Sacred Heart Catholic Church
515 East 14th Street

St. John Lutheran Church
11400 W. Panama Rd., rural Crete

Trinity Memorial Episcopal Church 
14th & Juniper Avenue