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City of Crete Nebraska


Public Works


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Totes should be placed away from obstacles on the day of pickup and moved away from the street and yard on days not scheduled for pickup.

City of Crete
Departments of Public Works
Solid Waste Department
& No-Sort Recycling Program

City Hall - 243 East 13th Street
Public Works: 402.826.4312

The Garbage Company: 1.800.322.4272

Public Works Directory

The City of Crete's garbage and no-sort recycling weekly collections are provided to Crete residents by The Garbage Company. Charges are included on utility bills. Single or multiple garbage totes are provided; a residential recycling tote is provided free of charge. With the No-Sort Recycling Program customers are not required to sort recyclable items before putting them in the tote. (Please see list of accepted items). The Garbage Company offers an optional yard service from April 1 to Nov. 30 for the disposal of yard waste. 

  • Roll-off dumpster and container rental: Contact The Garbage Company at the number above about renting roll-off containers for delivery to residential or commercial work sites within the City of Crete.
  • Large garbage items and yard waste: The Transfer Station/Landfill on North Boswell is open twice a week for disposal of larger loads of household trash and large garbage items (all for a fee) or free disposal of yard waste and metal/iron.  Recyclable items can be taken to the Transfer Station, for a fee. View more Transfer Station information.
  • Curbside items: Residents who wish to offer furniture and other items that someone may want are allowed to leave it near the curb for 24 hours; after that, items need to be removed. Fines may be assessed for items left over 24 hours.
  • City of Crete Annual Spring Cleanup: The Departments of Public Works holds the annual Spring Cleanup the first week of May, with Transfer Station coupons, major appliance curbside pick-up, downtown cleanup day, and Pinnacle Bank community shred event.
  • Household Hazardous Materials and Electronics Collections: Other local and area agencies sponsor collections of these materials on an annual basis, typically in the spring or fall. The City will share information when it is received.

Weekly Collection Schedules:

  • Garbage collection is on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Fridays (depending on address)
    • Go to the online map and select 'Trash Routes' under the Layers tab or view pdf map
  • Recycling Collection is on Thursdays for all areas.
  • The Garbage Company is closed on New Year's Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
    • On Thanksgiving Day and if New Year's Day and Christmas Day occur on Monday - Friday, trash/recycling collection will run one (1) day behind AFTER the holiday; (no change in pickup if New Year's and Christmas Day fall on Saturday/Sunday)
  • On collection day or the night before, totes should be placed next to the curb, not blocking the sidewalk and away from other obstacles such as posts or vehicles. On any day not scheduled for pickup, totes should be stored adjacent to the residence and not in front yards or at the street. Fines may be assessed for containers left at the curb.
    • View tips on garbage/recycling tote placement 

Video: The city's no-sort recycling program has weekly residential collection.
Accepted Recyclable Items:

  • Please rinse out all food and beverage containers, and plastic items; all items can be placed in the same recycle tote
  • Aluminum & Tin: Aluminum and tin cans, formed aluminum containers (example: disposable pie plates) and clean aluminum foil;
  • Paper: Newspaper (including advertising supplements), magazines, brown grocery bags, telephone books, catalogs, office paper, junk mail, envelopes; empty chipboard (cereal boxes), wet strength carrier stock (TV dinner boxes).
  • Cardboard: place clean corrugated cardboard boxes or shipping boxes under toter; break down or cut boxes so they are flat and no bigger than 2 X 2 ft;
  • Plastic: numbers 1 - 7 plastic containers (numbers are located on bottom of container): soda/water/juice bottles, milk bottles, butter tubs, sour cream carton, dip containers, detergent/bleach bottles, household cleaner bottles etc.; 
  • Not accepted: Styrofoam, rubber bands, soiled paper (pizza boxes/sandwich wrappers), food, tissue paper, paper towels, wax coated paper, shrink-wrap, plastic bags, wood, and glass.

Garbage Collection Rates:

  • Residential Rates - monthly (recycling tote included): 
    • Single Garbage Tote  $21.17
    • Two Garbage Totes  $26.21
    • Seasonal Yard Waste  $12.00
  • Commercial Garbage and Recycling Rates: Contact The Garbage Company directly at 1.800.322.4272 for service and rates on totes, dumpsters, and frequency of weekly collections.
  • More information on Utility Billing and Payments...

Roll-off dumpsters and containers: Contact The Garbage Company at the number above about renting roll-off containers for delivery to residential or commercial work sites within the City of Crete.