Construction site activity: March, April, May
Panorama, from left: south to north, the main library to the community room.
Panorama, from left: southeast to east, the main library areas.
Panorama: community room interior
April 8, 2019. Library Director Joy Stevenson, Jim Crouse, Council member Ryan Hinz, and Library Advisory Board member Jan Sears see the construction progress at the new library site.
April 8, 2019. Library Director Joy Stevenson, Jim Crouse, Council member Ryan Hinz, and Library Advisory Board member Jan Sears see the construction progress at the new library site.
April 8, 2019. Library Director Joy Stevenson and Jim Crouse at the new library site.
Site visit, May 2.
Site visit, May 2: south side along 15th Street.
Site visit, May 2: south side along 15th Street.
Site visit, May 2: southwest corner near 15th and Grove Ave.
Site visit, May 2: looking onto 15th Street.
Site visit, May 2: looking southeast.
Site visit, May 2: looking south, southeast to the technology room and children's area.
Site visit, May 2: looking north to the community room/shelter entrance and main library entrance at right.
Site visit, May 2: looking north, northwest.
Site visit, May 2: inside the community room/shelter.
Site visit, May 2: inside the community room/shelter.
Site visit, May 2: panorama at the main entrance.
Site visit, May 2: panorama inside.
May 13: Main entrance on the east side of the building.
May 13: From 15th and Grove looking at the south side of the building.
May 27: from 16th Street looking at the west side of the building and open park space.
May 27: A view of 16th near the Grove Ave intersection, also under construction.
This gallery highlights photos of construction site activities, regular site tours, and key moments in the building process.