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Council Summaries - April 6 and April 20, 2021

Individuals and media outlets are encouraged to contact the City Administrator for additional details or clarification on the following material. Regular meetings of the Crete City Council are held on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall; Council Standing Committees may meet prior. View a list of City Officials and current council and committee meeting agendas.


Summary for Crete City Council meeting - Tuesday, April 20
View this Meeting Agenda and attachments

Mayor Dave Bauer asked for a moment of silent for Councilman Brian Carnes, who passed away on April 14. He then said on behalf of the city, he wanted to extend his condolences to Brian’s family, sharing that Brian was a great person to work with on the council and he will be missed.

The council approved the Consent Agenda items:

  • Minutes of the following meetings: Legislative and Economic Development Committee April 6, Public Safety Committee April 6, Public Works Committee April 6, City Council March 16
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Claims against the City

The Council adopted Resolution 2021-02: A resolution declaring a vacancy in the elective office of Council member for the First Ward.

  • The council will advertise for the position. Interested residents of Ward I, who are also registered voters, should address letters to the mayor and deliver them to the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall by May 10 at 4:30 p.m.

The Council approved the Mayor's appointment of Jerry Wilcox as City Clerk for the term beginning April 21, 2021 and ending December 1, 2022.

  • City Administrator Tom Ourada explained the city had a clerk-treasurer in the past, then split the positions to two people, and they are now going back to one person after the council passed an ordinance allowing one person to hold both appointed positions. Wilcox will serve as City Clerk-Treasurer

The Council held a Public Hearing on PBS Aircraft's application for a special exception permit for a billboard along Highway 103 and later approved the special exception permit.

  • Ourada explains that all off-premise advertising in all districts are done by special exception; this one located southwest of the Catholic Cemetery on Highway 103; there is presently no sign in this location and this permit request meets all requirements.

The Council held a Public Hearing on The 1206 LLC's application for a new Class I Liquor License for 1206 Main Avenue and later approved a recommendation to the Liquor Control Commission on the application for a liquor license. 

The Council approved Charter Communication's application for a permit to occupy the right-of-way along Juniper Avenue between 12th Street and 14th Street. 

  • Ourada explained this permit was actually submitted after the work was completed. It was communicated to the contractor that a permit was needed before construction begins in the future.

The Council reviewed the proposals for Keno Operator and approved renewal of the current operator’s contract - Hastings Keno.

  • Jerry Wilcox handled this with a subcommittee of the President of the Council - Dale Strehle, and chairs of Legislative and Economic Development and Finance Committees, Ryan Hinz and Travis Sears, respectively. Two proposals were reviewed, one from current operator - Hastings Keno and one from Todd Zeilinger and Denton Daily Double.
  • Hinz explained that the subcommittee - reviewed and scored the proposals and talked to each operator. The subcommittee chose to recommend renewal of the contract with Hastings Keno for a period of three years.

The Council waived three readings and voted to adopt Ordinance 2124: An ordinance to issue bonds and make special assessments for the 2021 gap paving projects. 

The Council approved the bid for the Wildwood Pool Splashpad with the recommended cost adjustments from the Park and Recreation Committee. Total bid is $274,500.

  • Ourada said this project was let last fall and bids came in considerably higher than the engineer’s estimate so council did not proceed. This round of bids still came in above engineer’s estimate but they worked on value-added adjustments.
  • Kyle Frans said the Parks and Recreation Committee voted to recommend the Waterplay splashpad bid after much debate and discussion.

The Council approved the subdivision improvements for Fairway Development 1st Addition as recommended by the Public Works Committee.

  • The developer Ron Sack’s engineer  and the city’s engineer submitted letters that work has been completed to the city’s plans and specifications and are public improvements. The city accepts the 1 year warranty and will have an 11-month walkthrough.
  • Ron Sack spoke of concerns with controlling future street parking in this subdivision stating it could be similar to other areas with multiple vehicles parked on the street for extended periods of time. He said under certain circumstances, this street could be a main exit from town to the east if something would block use of 13th Street for a time, the only street other than the highway.
  • Mayor Bauer said those are legitimate concerns and the city would like to have the Public Works committee look at it as this would be the time to do it during the development of this new residential area.

The Council adopted Resolution 2021-03: A resolution proposing the annexation of a West Crete Addition; providing a plan for extending city sewers to this area.

  • Ourada explained the background of this proposal: West Crete is a six block subdivision outside of city limits and has been the subject of a number of discussions with past comprehensive planners. What has exacerbated the situation now are several properties not in compliance with wastewater standards and though not in city limits, they are in city’s two-mile extraterritorial jurisdictions. The city is being asked by the state to relax sewer regulations, which can be problematic. One property is facing fines of $1,000 a month if not compliant. The city would need to come up with water and sewer estimates and an annexation timeline. If annexed, Crete City Code says properties have to connect to city water and sewer; this is the best thing for the people in the area and it makes sense for the city to do this.

The Council voted to authorize the City Administrator and City Engineer to develop plans and specifications based on the preliminary cost estimates for a lift station at 22nd Street and Walnut Creek. 

The Council approved the purchase of a new John Deere 524 P Wheel Loader from Murphy Tractor & Equipment Co. for $141,536, as recommended by the Public Works Committee.

  • Ourada said the city did evaluate the 30+ year-old CAT loader that needed a rebuilt or replaced engine, among other issues. When they looked at the cost of that it was more beneficial to get a new one.

The Council adopted Resolution 2021-04: A resolution establishing the Master Fee Schedule for fiscal year 2020-2021. 

  • Ourada explained the council approved a resolution at the April 6 meeting to create this Master Fee Schedule and City Attorney Kyle Manley has put in a considerable amount of time with other staff input to create this schedule. This will work until the end of the fiscal year and a new schedule later will include the new electric rates, etc. The city provide services to 7,500 people and it costs to to that; there are fees in here that other municipalities charge for similar city functions. 
  • Two highlighted fees: 1) if someone fails to registrar their business, there is a $200 fee; 2) if a property owner doesn’t take out the proper building permit, the fee is 400% higher.

Mayor's Proclamation of Friday April 30, 2021 as Arbor Day.

  • This is also a necessary action for all Tree City USA designations, of which Crete has been recognized for 29 years (2020).

Officer reports:

Tom Ourada - 

  • City wide Spring Cleanup is May 1-8; Pinnacle Bank is doing their shred day, during this timeframe. The city has already started advertising these events.
  • The city received 14 Downtown Revitalization grant program applications requesting over $301,000 for the first round. The council imposed a $250,000 cap on first round. This show considerable interest and there are really good projects among these applications, which will set the stage for the next round as well.
  • State Senator Tom Brandt stopped by City Hall and met with Mayor Bauer, Chief Hensel, and myself; we brought up broadband as an impediment to the city to moving forward.
  • There is significant interest in our job openings: four full-time openings, one full-time seasonal, and pool lifeguards.

Meeting adjourned. 


Summary for Crete City Council meeting - Tuesday, April 6
View this Meeting Agenda and attachments

The council approved the Consent Agenda items:

  • Minutes of the following meetings: Legislative and Economic Development Committee March 16, Finance Committee March 16, City Council March 16
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Claims against the City

The Council heard a presentation from Trip Reynolds on maintenance issues, unsecured equipment, and public misuse of the Crete Public Schools track facility.

  •  He said he has contacted the school administration, but not received any return contact. He suggested an ordinance for the city to approve that has fines for vandalism at the track and explained other cities have similar ordinances.
  •  Mayor Dave Bauer said he has never known the city to pass an ordinance requiring the school do anything about regulating use of school property; he suggested the city attorney look over the material Reynolds presented and move on from there. City Attorney Kyle Manley said he would review what other municipalities did with ordinances in matters like these.
  • Council Member Kyle Frans suggested Reynolds contact the school again and share his information and experiences with them.

The Council granted Sean Tillery's request for an extended camping stay at Tuxedo Park from April to October. 

  • City Administrator Tom Ourada explained this is a new request from someone who is building a house in the area and asked for an extended stay from April to October. The limit for camping at Tuxedo Park is 10 nights without prior council approval.

The Council approved the engineering plans for the North Crete 2021 Gap Paving Project and set a bid letting date of Thursday, May 13 at 11 a.m.

  • Ourada explained that engineering plans are nearly complete with some discussions on sidewalk placement and curbing to be addressed. The Public Works Committee recommended approval.

The Council approved the purchase of five sets of firefighting gear for $18,515 from Sandry Fire Supply as recommended by the Public Safety Committee.

The Council approved the Fire Department's request to submit a grant application to the Emergency Drinking Water for Wildland Firefighters Program for canned drinking water. 

  • Ourada said this was a no-cost grant application, but city policy requires all grant applications go to the council for approval. This was recommended by the Public Safety Committee.

The Council entered into a contract for $22,085 with JEO for the development of a Utility Emergency Response Plan. 

  • Ourada said this process is required by federal mandate and applies primarily to the Water Department.

The Council approved an adjustment to monthly rates on parking spaces in the city parking lot at 12th and Norman for volume pricing. 

  • Council Member Dale Stehle said the Public Works Committee recommended to allow a 12-month lease for 10 spaces at $15 per space.

The Council entered into a contract for $28,350 with Speece Lewis for engineering services related to the 22nd Street box culvert project.

  • Ourada said it is exciting to have the prospect of this project proceed with a more affordable triple box culvert design instead of a replacement bridge, as initially thought.

The Council tabled consideration of the bid for the Wildwood Pool Splashpad project until the next council meeting.

The Council waived three readings and enacted Ordinance 2122: An ordinance relating to appointed officials. 

  • Ourada said this ordinance follows state statute and cites the officials that have to be appointed and which additional officials the governing body chooses to have appointed; it also enumerates the clerk’s duties and removes the deputy clerk as an appointed position. He said this now allows the clerk to hold concurrent appointments, in this case as city treasurer and in Crete’s case, the Finance Director is the treasurer.
  • Ourada further explained the resignation of City Clerk Judi Meyer. This change anticipates the Mayor making a future appointment request of current Finance Director, Jerry Wilcox to Clerk; then the city will advertise for the position of a Deputy City Clerk to fill some of the clerk duties in place of Meyer and perform as a backup as well.
  • Council Member Ryan Hinz said the Legislative and Economic Development committee recommended this change.

The Council waived three readings and enacted Ordinance 2123: An ordinance relating to rates, fees, and charges.

  • Ourada said this is Kyle’s longest ordinance to date, at 20 pages, and does a lot in relation to creating a streamlined city rate and fee schedule and process. It does not affect any tax  ordinance or fines, which the council still sets through the ordinance process. 
  • He said it does try to account for everything through a master fee schedule, which will follow at the next council meeting. Many other items will be reviewed and considered in the master fee schedule such as a subdivision review fee, plat review fee, and other things that take quite a bit of time for both staff and consultants.
  • This ordinance, creates the resolution process for a fee schedule, after which the council wouldn’t have to pass a new ordinance for every new or update for each fee or rate, etc.

Officer reports:

Tom Ourada - 

  • Tom introduced Wendy Thomas, the city’s new HR Coordinator, started two weeks ago and brings a lot of experience. She was welcomed by the mayor and council.
  • Judi Meyer’s last day as City Clerk was Friday and staff has a plan for everybody to pick up those duties; the mayor and Tom have looked at succession planning in a lot of areas.
  • Through the CARES Act, the city anticipates $1.18M, however, all the restrictions on use of those funds is not yet known.
  • In a meeting with Allo, the company reiterated their interest in Crete service.
  • West Crete - is not yet part of the city, but is an area the Nebraska Department of Environmental and Energy has put under administrative order due to severe sewer issues. The city will need to look at a fast-track annexation of this area. It has come up in comprehensive plans in the past and would have in the next one due to start later this year.
  • Tom showed a photo taken Tuesday of the Tuxedo Park bridge progress showing the 32 foot bridge and 10 foot walkway on west side.
  • The city is working to get staff vaccinated and most people who want it have their first round or have made arrangements to get the first round of the COVID vaccination.

Meeting adjourned.