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City of Crete Nebraska


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Council Summaries - Sept. 5 and 19, 2023

Budget Hearing - Sept. 5

Individuals and media outlets are encouraged to contact the City Administrator for additional details or clarification on the following material. Regular meetings of the Crete City Council are held on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall; Council Standing Committees may meet prior. View a list of City Officials and current council and committee meeting agendas.


The next Crete City Council regular meeting will be on Tuesday, Oct. 3. Note: The location for this meeting will be the Crete Carrier Community Room at Crete Public Library, 1515 Forest Ave.


Summary for Crete City Council Budget Hearing and regular meeting - Tuesday, Sept. 19
View this Meeting Agenda and attachments

Ashley Newmyer, Council Member Ward 3, and Dan Papik, Council Member Ward 1, were absent.

The council approved the Consent Agenda items:

  • Minutes of the following meetings: City Council Sept. 5, Council Budget Hearing Sept. 5, Finance Committee Sept. 5, Personnel Committee Sept. 5, Public Safety Committee Sept. 5, Airport Advisory Sept. 14
  • Treasurer’s Report Mayor's 
  • Payment of claims against the City
    • Approve Cline Williams invoices totaling $22,080.06
  • Appointment of Kendra Locklear Ordia to the Historic Preservation Commission with term ending January 2026

The Council voted 4-0 to authorize an additional 1% of restricted funds authority for fiscal year 2023-2024. City Administrator Tom Ourada explained this is recommended as it is cumulative and the additional 1% compounds each year thereafter. The Finance Committee recommended this action.

The Council voted 4-0 to adopt Resolution 2023-17: A resolution setting the amount of property tax request for fiscal year 2023-2024. City Clerk/treasurer Jerry Wilcox explained the council is required to pass a resolution if the property tax request is different from the prior year. The Finance Committee recommended this action.

The Council voted 4-0 to waive three readings and enact Ordinance 2178: An ordinance adopting the 2023-2024 budget statement as the Annual Appropriation Bill and appropriating all budgeted sums contained therein. Wilcox explained this ordinance appropriates the funds as the city’s approved budget.

The Council voted 4-0 to waive three readings and enact Ordinance 2177: An ordinance setting the wages and salaries of city officers and non-bargaining unit employees.

The Council voted 4-0 to the MACH user agreement and price increase for the Crete Police Department.  Police Chief Gary Young explained this system is used to track other department vehicles, including chat features for communication between agencies; there was a cost increase of $65 for a total of $377 per year.

The Council voted 4-0 to approve Russ Sears’ request painting pumpkins on sidewalks.

 Mayor Dave Bauer said this is intended for the four existing pumpkins on the corners of the 12th and Main Ave. intersection.

The Council voted 4-0 to approve the Butterfly Acres Final Plat. Ourada said this item has been through the Planning Commission and meets all city and statutory requirements.

The Council voted 4-0 to approve plane washing rates on fee schedule.

  • Ourada said the Airport Advisory Board took this up on request of some pilots at the municipal airport.
  • Dale Strehle, Public Works Committee chairperson, said they had some questions that were answered satisfactory and that if there is an FBO in again, this will not continue; plane washing will happen during daytime hours when the airport manager is there.

The Council voted 4-0 to approve on its Third and Final reading and enact Ordinance No. 2176; An Ordinance of the City of Crete, Nebraska Relating to Annexation; To annex certain contiguous or adjacent land in part of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 33, T8N, R4E; and to extend the corporate limits of the City.

  • Note: This item is meant to complete annexation of a four-foot strip that is part of a previously approved subdivision in Belohlavy Estates (Aug. 15). This property is on the back of specified lots due to some building that infringed on setback rules.

The Council voted 4-0 to adopt Resolution No.2023-16; a resolution to establish officers approved to sign financial documents.

The Council voted 4-0 to approve the Application For Special Event Permit SE23-07 from the Crete Chamber of  Commerce for the Pumpkin Festival Children's Parade. Tom Crisman said the Public Safety Committee confirmed with city departments involved that details were satisfactory for this item and the following special event application.

The Council voted 4-0 to approve the Application For Special Event Permit SE23-08 from the Crete Chamber of Commerce for Crete's Great Pumpkin Festival.

The Council voted 4-0 to approve College Park 2nd Addition (Dittmer and Dittmer Administrative Subdivision)

  • Ourada said this item was also covered in the Public Works Committee meeting and  technically meets the standard for subdivisions.
  • Strehle also confirmed the committee felt it was in the realm of meeting the standards and should be approved to move forward.

The Council voted 4-0 to approve payment of claims to Crete Ace Hardware in the amount of $1,140.60

The Council voted 4-0 to approve lowering the age requirement to 18 years old with consent for fire department volunteers.

  • Crisman said the Public Safety Committee discussed this item with Fire Chief Tod Allen and city officials. Allen shared in the committee meeting that lowering the age requirement would allow local Doane University freshman, for example, to begin membership earlier, if they choose to, and for those members and the department to receive the full benefits of training and participation during their entire four years in Crete.

The Council voted 4-0 to approve eliminating the US citizenship requirements for fire department volunteers.

  • Crisman said this brings the fire department in line with the rest of city policy across all departments.

The Council voted 4-0 to table the following item for more information: a 4-year service agreement for the Fire Department's Lifepak AED's.

The Council voted 4-0 to approve the retirement correction contribution in the amount of $87,383.62. 

  • Ourada explained this item effects non collective bargaining hourly employees and was an issue discovered earlier this year. Officials, in consultation with Union Bank and Trust, looked back to when the plan changed in 2015 from Principal to UBT where an overtime calculation was done incorrectly. They had Cline Williams attorneys look at how to remediate this with the IRS and work with UBT to take care of disbursements to current and former employees.
  • Kyle Frans, Finance Committee chairperson, said they recommended to accept this correction after working on this for a while.

The Council Consider the FOP Agreement for fiscal year 23-24. Ourada said this was a left over agenda item that was acted on at the last meeting and no action is needed.

Petition - Communication - Citizen Concern: 

Citizen testimony may be limited to 3 minutes per person. Please do not repeat testimony that has already be heard. No action can be taken on matters presented under this title except to answer any questions or to refer the matter for further action.

Officer Reports:

Reports may be given by Officers, Departments, Committees, or Council members concerning the current operations of the City. No action can be taken on matters presented under this title except to answer any questions or to refer the matter for further action.

  • Joy Stevenson, Library Director:
    •  a recent Crete News article announced Crete Public Library is one of 49 libraries nationwide, and the only library in Nebraska, to receive a grant as part of 'NASA at My Library.’ Grant criteria included a significant Spanish speaking community. The award includes a telescope, materials, and bilingual activities; the first activity is Oct. 14 for a solar eclipse viewing in Library Park, about 11:45 a.m.; future events may include using the College Heights Country Club driving range as a viewing area.
    •  the library current has over 100 cake pans which can be checked out for use; they will build greatly on that to establish a ‘Library of Things’ for use by patrons which may include appliances and household items. The Friends of Crete Public Library has budgeted $1,200 to purchase items. A community survey questionnaire will be released to gain ideas on what and what not to buy. There is a lot of work to do including contract work with City Attorney Anna Burge, checkout and cleaning processes, item storage, etc.
    • Mayor Bauer said this is another indication that Joy and the library staff do a great job in seeking out these opportunities and the library is very active.
  • Gary Young, Chief of Police:
    • reported on the immediate use of a program received through grant funds which was successful in garnering digital information on a child sexual assault case; 
    • the sod and sprinkler project at the police station had a brief setback when a Tesla drove over sod and a hit tree; the driver is okay and Jindra Irrigation will give an estimate on repairs for the driver’s insurance;
  • Liz Cody, Parks and Recreation Director: 
    • thanked the council and city officials for moving forward on the sports complex purchase negotiations and a planning grant for potential pedestrian overpass;
    • thanked Tom for adding a Parks and Recreation review to the city’s Special Event Application;
    • Mary Navatril donated a mini tree plant and the department would like to find a special location for it;
    • she received an estimate for a pool bathhouse metal roof to add to the range of cost estimates;
    • she has been meeting with Building Inspector Brad Bailey and Groundskeeper Aaron Steffensmeier as park facility issues come up;
    • the Nebraska Recreation and Park Association Conference is this week in Papillion;
    • we are improving department communication and addressing maintenance in Library Park;
    • current programming includes flag football and coed softball; Tuxedo Park use includes go-kart racing, high school softball tournament, bonfires, and continued campground use; 
    •  they are coming up to a time when staff can do some more maintenance and restoration work on facilities.
  • Tom Ourada, City Administrator:
    • we are thinking about having a small, grant-type process for use of the Community Room; there is someone who wants to use it on Dec. 6 for an event that would benefit the community but they have little funds available; we’ll talk about how to work with our economic development funds
    • Community Assistance Director Marilyn Schacht hosted a job fair with the Nebraska Department of Labor, which had over double the vendors and attendees of previous events; she continues to excel in her position;
    • we had another meeting about Saline County dispatch with the sheriff, emergency management director, and two county commissioners; we will have 1-year agreement with Southeast Nebraska Communications in Beatrice that will give us time to explore going with Saline County; we could go sooner but there are a lot of options in front of us and we have the luxury of time to figure out what works well for us; the consideration centers around service to the community and we are in a good position to see how it will fit and do it at a cost savings;
    • the 22nd street box culvert is open, however, we haven’t had a walk through yet and there are some things to deal with;
    • the city’s Employee Recognition Dinner is Thursday;
    • reminder the League of Municipalities fall conference is next week starting on Wednesday;
    •  thank you to the council for passing the budget and the wage ordinance.
  • Mayor Dave Bauer
    • reminder: the next City Council meeting is at the library community room on Oct. 3
    • read a proclamation for Support Citizens With Intellectual Disabilities Week

Meeting adjourned.


Summary for Crete City Council Budget Hearing and regular meeting - Tuesday, Sept. 5
View this Meeting Agenda and attachments

Kyle Frans, Council Member Ward 3, was absent.

The Council convened a Public Hearing for testimony in support of and/or opposition to the proposed budget and property tax request for fiscal year 2023-2024.

  • Jerry Wilcox reviewed the budget form:
    • total personal property tax request is $1,499,880 (General Fund - $1,258,880 and Bond Fund - $241,000); 
    • 2023-2024 adopted budget disbursements and transfers - $45,072,000; Cash Reserve Balance - $13,209,371;
    • total 2023 tax rate - 0.360714 (2022 - 0.417484)
  • Mayor Dave Bauer thanked everyone who worked on the budget; he greatly appreciates what you’ve done to make changes, adjustments, and make it balance;
  • Hearing adjourned.

The Council meeting convened directly after the Budget Hearing adjourned.

The council approved the Consent Agenda items:

  • Minutes of the following meetings: City Council Aug. 15, Legislative and Economic Development Committee Aug. 15, Council Budget Work Session Aug. 29, Personnel Committee Aug. 29, Cemetery Board Aug. 28
  • MEAN (Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska) Minutes Aug. 16-17
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Payment of claims against the City 

Noah Zach was sworn in as a police officer. He has completed his course at the Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Center.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve negotiating the purchase of property for a sports complex project.

  • Ashley Newmyer, Parks and Recreation Committee chair, said they have met on this and City Administrator Tom Ourada provided background on the city’s plans and progress toward this type of project. The committee made the recommendation to move forward with authorized negotiations on purchasing property for a sports complex.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve on its second reading Ordinance No. 2176; An Ordinance of the City of Crete, Nebraska Relating to Annexation; To annex certain contiguous or adjacent land in part of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 33, T8N, R4E; and to extend the corporate limits of the City.

  • Note: This item is meant to complete annexation of a four-foot strip that is part of a previously approved subdivision in Belohlavy Estates (Aug. 15). This property is on the back of specified lots due to some building that infringed on setback rules.

The Council voted 4-0 (Papik abstained) to approve the payment of claims to  Crete Ace Hardware in the amount of $223.53.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve the Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R) Domestic Law Enforcement Support Mutual Agreement For The Receipt of Contributions from the Crete Police Department.

  • Police Chief Gary Young explained this is a privately funded organization that Sgt. Lincoln Morehouse has been working with and they offered the city the ability to work with their software which allows the department to collect data from new versions of Apple devices, etc; Young clarified this is a clean contract reviewed by the city attorney that will increase the department’s ability to work with these devices collected during investigations.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve the Quitclaim Deed to Clevette Rentals, L.L.C. located at The West forty (40) feet of vacated Mill Street, located in the Original Town of Crete, Saline County, Nebraska. Ourada explained this is an area by Old Mill Park that the city long considered vacated; this action was recommended by the Public Works Committee.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve the Application for Special Event Permit SE23-04 for the Crete High School Homecoming Parade on Sept. 15. Dan Papik, Public Safety Committee chair, said the committee recommended this approval after discussion with Crystal Kent, Crete High School Student Council sponsor, and Chief Young.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve the Application for Special Event Permit SE23-05 for a bonfire and Homecoming Kickoff celebration at Tuxedo Park by the Crete Booster Club. Papik said the Public Safety Committee recommended approval on this item and the following similar special event.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve the Special Event Permit application SE23-06 for a Homecoming bonfire at Tuxedo Park from Doane University. 

The Council voted 5-0 to approve the College Park 1st Addition Administrative Subdivision from Dittmer & Dittmer L.L.C. 

  • Ourada said this item is an attempt at an administrative subdivision and while it does technically meet the standards, it could be better executed
  • Dale Strehle, Public Works Committee chair, explained the committee understands the situation the city is in here and recommended approval based on the guidance it meets requirements.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve amending the Employee Rules and Regulations regarding Sec. 3.07 Timekeeping.

  • Ourada explained this item is meant to provide incentives for people getting timekeeping in on time across all departments; this language used to be in city policy but with updates it was taken out over time. He said we have issues from time to time about people not getting timecards in on time electronically and explained the consequences and delays this creates with Human Resources staff and the software used to enter timekeeping information for payroll.

The Council voted 5-0 to table a retirement contribution correction in order to have additional information.

The Council voted 3-2 to approve the FOP Agreement for Fiscal year 23-24. (Voting Yes - Newmyer, Crisman, Papik; Voting No - Strehle, Fitzgerald)

  • Ourada said this item went first to the Finance Committee where the city’s employment attorney, Henry Wiedrich from Cline Williams, gave a summary of negotiations. Wiedrich explained they have had lively sessions with the FOP (Fraternal Order of Police - Lodge 74 Crete). Over the last couple of years there has been a major shift in compensation with law enforcement as jobs became harder to fill around the state. We have comparability with other municipalities and market rates and expected a high wage increase request from the union. The city wanted a multi-year deal, however, this agreement is a one-year contract; the Officer starting wage, Step 1, carries a 17% increase and Step 8 has a 14% increase; Sergeants have 13% and 11% increases at Step 1 and Step 8, respectively. 
  • Ourada said it would cost the city money to go to the CIR (Commission for Industrial Relations) to work out disputes, but I think Henry did a very good job and was aggressive for us without complicating the process. This is a fair contract.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve authorizing to apply for the Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Grant Program. 

  •  Information provided explained this program aims at “restoring community connectivity through the removal, retrofit, mitigation or replacement of highways, roadways, or other infrastructure facilities that create barriers to mobility, access or economic development.” A total of $1 billion in grant funding is available. Planning Grants are available up to $2 Million with Capital Construction Grants no less than $5 Million; total federal assistance may not exceed 80% for standard grants and 100% for Disadvantaged Communities.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve Change Orders for the Isis Theater renovation project.

Petition - Communication - Citizen Concern: 

Citizen testimony may be limited to 3 minutes per person. Please do not repeat testimony that has already be heard. No action can be taken on matters presented under this title except to answer any questions or to refer the matter for further action.

Officer Reports:

Reports may be given by Officers, Departments, Committees, or Council members concerning the current operations of the City. No action can be taken on matters presented under this title except to answer any questions or to refer the matter for further action.

  • Gary Young, Chief of Police:
    • phone lines are down across the eastern part of the state in variety of forms; for Crete,  we were switching to our next-gen 911 system and as we did that, a phone line was cut in Omaha affecting ours and several other dispatch centers; we are still fighting connection issues with providers for Beatrice with intermittent problems as of this afternoon (Sept. 5);
  • Savannah Anderson, Human Resources Coordinator introduced to new city employees: 
    • Cody Benson started as the new Wastewater Operator;
    • Kelsey Sisouvong returns as a bookkeeper in the Utilities office; she was previously employed at City Hall;
    • Savannah also offered a reminder that RSVPs for the employee recognition dinner are due on Thursday (Sept. 7);
  • Dale Strehle, Council Member in Ward II, offered clarification on his vote on the FOP agreement, stating he supports the police department, but  did not feel the way the negotiations went were a good way to go about it for the city, and does not put us in a good position moving forward.
  • Fitzgerald, Council Member in Ward I, said he also has some questions as he looks at the long term about the FOP pay increases and how similar increases were not there for other city staff.
  • Tom Ourada, City Administrator:
    • thanked the council, Ashley and her committee for moving forward on the park space and potential sports complex south of town;
    • at last council meeting he suggested the city should not automatically renew with Southeast Nebraska Communications in Beatrice on dispatch services; the mayor and I met with the Saline County Sheriff and Commissioner Phil Hardenberger on exploring dispatch with the county; we have contractual obligations with Southeast and there will be a lot of discussion and deliberations moving forward on what that might look like; we are asking the questions and looking at the what-ifs;
    •  in regards to the city budget - with the city’s tax asking, the levy is going down over five cents and people will see that on their property tax schedules;
  • Mayor Dave Bauer:
    • thanked everyone that worked on the budget; the levy going down is a big thing, with taxpayers, they will see their assessments going up and won’t see our levy going down; 
    • the first meeting in October will be a joint meeting at the library with the Planning Commission and Comprehensive Planners from Confluence.

Meeting adjourned.


