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City of Crete Nebraska


Living in Crete


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Local Agencies & Programs

Crete, Nebraska.

For assistance in finding and accessing local services and programs, contact the Community Assistance Office at City Hall.

Community links are provided here for more information:


Driver’s License Exams and Vehicle Registrations

Voter Registration and Election Information

Saline County Area Transit serves Saline County with a specific route and slate of drivers for Crete to provide basic transportation Monday through Friday (5 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 to 5 p.m.). The vehicle is ADA equipped and there is no age limit to ride. Call locally 402-418-2743 or the office at 402-433-4511 for details, fare prices or view online.

Food banks and local distribution sites: 

  • Blue Valley Community Action (above) Food Pantry - Saline County is located at 1122 Main Ave in Crete - services
  • Food Bank of Lincoln, distribution site at Tuxedo Park (new location in November 2023) - fourth Thursday schedule
  • Foodnet distribution at Wanek Community Center, 14th and Main ave, Crete - Saturday schedule

Blue Valley Community Action is a private, non-profit organization with programs aimed at eliminating the causes of poverty in a nine-county service area including Saline County and Crete. Categories of BVCA programs include food pantry, basic needs, education, family development, health and nutrition, housing, veterans assistance, transportation, and volunteer opportunities. Crete offices are located in the Blue River Family Center at 325 East 9th Street; 402.826.2376. See the Saline County list of programs.

Saline County Veterans Service Office was created by state statute to assist veterans and their dependents in times of need, or to file for all County, State or Federal benefits earned. More information...

Apace (formerly Region V Services) supports people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in southeast Nebraska. More information...

Public Health Solutions - District Health Department is the five-county district health department, which includes Saline County, and is guided by a Board of Health. Offices in Crete are located at 830 East 1st Street, Suite 300; 402.826.3880.

  •     Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can cause lung cancer and can be found all over the U.S. impacting indoor air quality. The EPA and Surgeon General recommend testing homes for radon and provide information for inexpensive and simple testing procedures.

Saline County Aging Services provides a variety of assistance to county residents 60 years or older. Saline County information and more details from Aging Partners.

State of Nebraska - Department of Health and Human Services offers programs for general assistance, economic assistance, disabilities, and medical related issues; additional programs are available for children, families, and seniors; hotlines and online signup for services. More information...

Southeast Nebraska CASA recruits, trains and supports community volunteers who advocate for abused and neglected children in the Seward, Saline, Thayer, Jefferson and Gage County court system. More information...

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension in Saline County delivers research-based education and information to citizens throughout the county. These educational programs, delivered via a variety of methods, are offered through a federal, state and county partnership arrangement. More information…

Crete Housing Authority The City of Crete Housing Authority is a governmental entity with the mission of providing affordable housing to the residents of Crete: office 1600 Grove Ave, Crete, NE, 402.826.2678. The housing authority operates and manages Centennial Terrace, a 40-unit public housing property for the elderly, handicapped and disabled residents of Crete. Staff is also responsible for the administration and oversight of the HUD Section 8 Rent Subsidy Program in Crete. The city's five-member Housing Authority Board meets once a month.


