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City of Crete Nebraska


City Government


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Historical Preservation Commission

The Historical Preservation Commission is a board established by the Crete City Council in September 2022 with passage of Ordinance 2154 - Historic Preservation Act. The commission’s duties are, in part: to adopt criteria and procedures for the survey, evaluation, and designation of local landmarks and landmark districts that are consistent with the city’s Historic Preservation Act and the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Identification and Registration; to prepare and process nominations of properties potentially eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places and comment on properties nominated; to advocate for the benefits of historic preservation and rehabilitation and the value in protecting and enhancing properties that have historical or cultural value; to advise city officials regarding the preservation of properties having historical or cultural value; to participate in all building and zoning processes that affect proposed or designated landmarks or landmark districts. 

This board has a vacancy. Individuals interested in serving can submit a letter of interest to the City Clerk’s office at City Hall, 243 East 13th Street, Crete, NE 68333, or email the City Clerk.

  • 5 members
    • majority of members will be professionals in the fields of archeology, historic archeology, architectural history, architecture, or history.
  • Appointed to 3-year terms
    • Initially, two members of the Commission shall be appointed for three-year terms, two members shall be appointed for two-year terms, and one member shall be appointed for a one-year term. Members may serve for more than one term.
  • meetings held as needed
Name Member Since Term Expires
Janet Jeffries 2023 1-2026
Jennifer Robison 2023 1-2025
Scott Kuncl 2023 1-2024
Kendra Locklear Ordia 2023  
Tom King 2024  

Twelve boards and commissions are comprised of city residents appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council to advise certain City programs or departments. Select boards meet regularly, while others meet as needed. For contact information on individual board members, please contact the City Clerk.